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Requirements for the design of materials

The text is presented only in electronic form in a text editor Word. Typesetting stripe (frame) - 11.518 cm (in a standard A4 sheet, top and bottom margins - 6 cm each, right and left - 4.7 cm each), Times New Roman font. T

he volume of the text is no more than five pages! Surname I.O. the author, the title of the report should be typed in height 12, in bold, the name of the organization, city, the author's email address - in height 9. All this (without address) should be repeated in English. If the conference materials are written by two or more authors from one organization, then the name of the organization is indicated in the next line after the initials and surname of the last author. If conference materials are written by authors from different organizations, then the corresponding authors and organizations are indicated by uppercase numbers. Left alignment. Then, after 1 line, the keywords are indicated (no more than 10), font height 9. Then, after 1 line, a resume in Russian in 4-5 lines, font height 9. Then, after 1 line, type the main text with a height of 10, line spacing - single. Paragraph - 5 mm. Justified alignment. There are no transfers. At the end of the text there is a resume in English, 4–5 lines in font, 9 in height.

It is possible to have a list of references, the design of which is presented in the example. References to literature are given in the text in square brackets with numbers in the order of mentioning in the text. Also, the text can contain black-and-white figures and graphs, signed under the figure, separated by spaces at the top and bottom, or tables, the name of which is given at the top.

An example of design can be found on the website and in the attached file. Please note that the formatting of the example made in Word can be distorted on different computers, so please refer to the example pdf file.
